Is nearText() completely a Weaviate cloud operation, no outbound LLM call?


The downside of using object data type, for now, is that they are not indexable nor filterable:

from docs:

As of 1.22, object and object[] datatype properties are not indexed and not vectorized.
Future plans include the ability to index nested properties, for example to allow for filtering on nested properties and vectorization options.

for the url, you can also use a text, however, as you don’t want it added as part of the vectorization, you mark it to skip, like so:

const schema = {
    name: 'Articles',
    properties: [
      name: 'chunkText',
      dataType: 'text' as const,
      description: 'The searchable text' as const,
      tokenization: 'lowercase' as const,
      vectorizePropertyName: false,
      name: 'attributionUrl',
      dataType: 'text' as const,
      description: 'The URL of the source article' as const,
      tokenization: 'whitespace' as const,
      vectorizePropertyName: false,
      moduleConfig: {
        text2vec_openai: {
            skip: true,
            vectorizePropertyName: false

Let me know if this helps!

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