We have a public slack. You can access it from our website, or directly thru:
My suggestion is that you could share your screen and I could take a closer look.
In my experience, this kind of issue is better solved like that
We can for sure bring back our findings here so others can benefit.
One way to make sure the GRPC is healthy and serving, is to do a grpcurl, like so:
# lets test our grpc connection
❯ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grpc/grpc/master/src/proto/grpc/health/v1/health.proto
❯ grpcurl -d '{"service": "Weaviate"}' -proto health.proto grpc.weaviate.mydomain.com:50051 grpc.health.v1.Health/Check
"status": "SERVING"
Here I have created a docker compose that uses Weaviate + Traefik + Let’s Encrypt, so you can server Weaviate behind a reverse proxy with https/ssl: