At the end i get no files to process after Embedder ,Will youplease help me sort this issue

2025-01-31 17:59:10,059 MainProcess DEBUG updating download directory to: [C:\Users\dhanu.cache\unstructured\ingest\s3\62e5a70d24](file:///C:/Users/dhanu/.cache/unstructured/ingest/s3/62e5a70d24) 2025-01-31 17:59:10,061 MainProcess INFO running pipeline: DocFactory → Reader → Partitioner → Chunker → Embedder → Writer → Copier with config: {“reprocess”: true, “verbose”: true, “work_dir”: “C:\Users\dhanu\.cache\unstructured\ingest\pipeline”, “output_dir”: “s3://genairag/creditcard”, “num_processes”: 40, “raise_on_error”: false} 2025-01-31 17:59:10,212 MainProcess INFO Running doc factory to generate ingest docs. Source connector: {“processor_config”: {“reprocess”: true, “verbose”: true, “work_dir”: “C:\Users\dhanu\.cache\unstructured\ingest\pipeline”, “output_dir”: “s3://genairag/creditcard”, “num_processes”: 40, “raise_on_error”: false}, “read_config”: {“download_dir”: “C:\Users\dhanu\.cache\unstructured\ingest\s3\62e5a70d24”, “re_download”: false, “preserve_downloads”: false, “download_only”: false, “max_docs”: null}, “connector_config”: {“remote_url”: “s3://genairag/”, “uncompress”: false, “recursive”: false, “file_glob”: null, “access_config”: {“anonymous”: false, “endpoint_url”: null, “key”: null, “secret”: null, “token”: null}, “protocol”: “s3”, “path_without_protocol”: “genairag/”, “dir_path”: “genairag”, “file_path”: “”}} 2025-01-31 17:59:10,229 MainProcess INFO processing 4 docs via 40 processes 2025-01-31 17:59:10,233 MainProcess INFO calling Reader with 4 docs 2025-01-31 17:59:10,236 MainProcess INFO Running source node to download data associated with ingest docs 2025-01-31 17:59:18,125 MainProcess INFO calling Partitioner with 4 docs 2025-01-31 17:59:18,127 MainProcess INFO Running partition node to extract content from json files. Config: {“pdf_infer_table_structure”: false, “strategy”: “auto”, “ocr_languages”: null, “encoding”: null, “additional_partition_args”: {}, “skip_infer_table_types”: null, “fields_include”: [“element_id”, “text”, “type”, “metadata”, “embeddings”], “flatten_metadata”: false, “metadata_exclude”: , “metadata_include”: , “partition_endpoint”: “”, “partition_by_api”: true, “api_key”: “", “hi_res_model_name”: null}, partition kwargs: {}] 2025-01-31 17:59:18,130 MainProcess INFO creating [C:\Users\dhanu.cache\unstructured\ingest\pipeline\partitioned](file:///C:/Users/dhanu/.cache/unstructured/ingest/pipeline/partitioned) 2025-01-31 17:59:38,178 MainProcess INFO calling Chunker with 4 docs 2025-01-31 17:59:38,178 MainProcess INFO Running chunking node. Chunking config: {“chunking_strategy”: “by_title”, “combine_text_under_n_chars”: 1000, “include_orig_elements”: null, “max_characters”: 8192, “multipage_sections”: null, “new_after_n_chars”: null, “overlap”: null, “overlap_all”: null}] 2025-01-31 17:59:38,180 MainProcess INFO creating [C:\Users\dhanu.cache\unstructured\ingest\pipeline\chunked](file:///C:/Users/dhanu/.cache/unstructured/ingest/pipeline/chunked) 2025-01-31 17:59:47,338 MainProcess INFO calling Embedder with 4 docs 2025-01-31 17:59:47,340 MainProcess INFO Running embedding node. Embedding config: {“provider”: “azure-openai”, “api_key”: "”, “model_name”: “text-embedding-ada-002”, “aws_access_key_id”: null, “aws_secret_access_key”: null, “aws_region”: null}] 2025-01-31 17:59:47,343 MainProcess INFO creating [C:\Users\dhanu.cache\unstructured\ingest\pipeline\](file:///C:/Users/dhanu/.cache/unstructured/ingest/pipeline/ 2025-01-31 17:59:49,345 MainProcess INFO no files to process after Embedder

Refer to: No files to process after Embedder ,Here are my code and issue , i need an guidance to sort this issue,please help me out

Thank you so much for the help