Can we import collection without using third party API key

Hi All,
I try to use

client = connect_to_weaviate()

client = weaviate.connect_to_local()

df = pd.read_json(‘mtcars.json’,lines=True)
column_names = df.columns

properties_list =
for column_name in column_names:
# print(column_name)
properties_list.append(wc.Property(name=column_name, data_type=wc.DataType.TEXT))
# print(properties_list)

# Define the vectorizer module
# Define the generative module

Get the collection

cars = client.collections.get(“Cars”)

Enter context manager

with cars.batch.dynamic() as batch:
# Loop through the data
for i, car in tqdm(df.iterrows()):
# Convert data types
# Convert a JSON array to a list of integers

    # Build the object payload
    car_obj = {}
    for value in column_names:
        car_obj[value]= str(car[value])

    # print(car_obj)
    # Add object to batch queue
    # print(generate_uuid5(car["model"]))
        # references=reference_obj  # You can add references here
    # Batcher automatically sends batches

Check for failed objects

if len(cars.batch.failed_objects) > 0:
print(f"Failed to import {len(cars.batch.failed_objects)} objects")

but I got error to provide
headers = {“X-OpenAI-Api-Key”: os.getenv(“OPENAI_APIKEY”)} # Replace with your OpenAI API key

can we create and import collection dataset without using headers or third party API keys


Hi @chiranjithazra,

Welcome to our community and it’s great to have you here.

You may need to set the vectorizer to none on the collection level. Here’s how you can do it:

import weaviate.classes as wvc

questions = client.collections.create(

Mohamed Shahin
Weaviate Support

Hi @Mohamed_Shahin

Thanks for your response.

But if I use
questions = client.collections.create(

response = cars.query.near_text(

for o in response.objects:

### Not Working due to :--- vectorize params: could not vectorize input for collection DipsCarsTest with search-type nearText. Make sure a vectorizer module is configured for this collection

This one not working

can you help me on this?


Hi @chiranjithazra,

I apologize for my misread earlier regarding the near_text(). This will require a vectorizer because when you insert a query with a string as “Merc,” this string needs to be vectorized before performing a similarity search. Initially, I thought you were using near_vector().

With Vectorizer set to none, bring your own vectors, you can search with near_vector without the need for a vectorizer. However, if you plan to use near_text and pass a string, that string indeed needs to be vectorized to be used for vector similarity search.

So, think of it like this: if you take “Merc” and vectorize it elsewhere matching the same length of your vectors in the vector space in the DB, then take those floating numbers and pass them into a near_vector search, it will work as if you do near_text() because you’ve provided the vectors of that string.

Does that make sense?