Can't connect to Google Vertex

I get Google API Key: no api key found neither in request header even though I am hard coding in the urls and keys as shown below. I also ran gcloud auth print-access-token within the last hour and that is the key I am using.

weaviate_url = "a_url"
weaviate_key = "a_key"
vertex_key = "a_key"
headers = {
    "X-Google-Vertex-Api-Key": vertex_key,

client = weaviate.connect_to_weaviate_cloud(
    cluster_url=weaviate_url,                       # `weaviate_url`: your Weaviate URL
    auth_credentials=Auth.api_key(weaviate_key),      # `weaviate_key`: your Weaviate API key

collection = client.collections.get("Testing")
with collection.batch.dynamic() as batch:
    for src_obj in source_objects:
        image_b64 = url_to_base64(src_obj["image_path"])
        weaviate_obj = {
            "image": image_b64,
            "source": src_obj["source"],

        # The model provider integration will automatically vectorize the object
            # vector=vector  # Optionally provide a pre-obtained vector

failed_objects = collection.batch.failed_objects # After batch is done


What is the version of the client?

Also, can you paste the full error stack trace?


The weaviate version is 1.25.9
The weaviate client is 4.7.1

{‘message’: ‘Failed to send 1 objects in a batch of 1. Please inspect client.batch.failed_objects or collection.batch.failed_objects for the failed objects.’}

[ErrorObject(message=“WeaviateInsertManyAllFailedError(‘Every object failed during insertion. Here is the set of all errors: Google API Key: no api key found neither in request header: X-Palm-Api-Key or X-Google-Api-Key or X-Google-Vertex-Api-Key or X-Google-Studio-Api-Key nor in environment variable under PALM_APIKEY or GOOGLE_APIKEY’)”

Hi @Cobyboss,

I think there is a bug with the multimodal models and the Vertex header.

Can you try using “X-Palm-Api-Key” instead?

headers = {
    "X-Palm-Api-Key": vertex_key,

Should I use Google Palm too or can I just use that header with the same vertex_key?

You can definitely use the same header with the vertex_key, no problem there.

I am faced with the same problem, but using X-Palm-Api-Key does not seem to work.

Vertex AI is not compatible with API Keys anymore, hence I am trying Oauth2, service acc or simply an access token.

EDIT: It now uploads the properties, but does not vectorize.

My cluster is 1.25.10 and my python dependency client is 4.7.1.

I am basically running these lines

client = weaviate.connect_to_weaviate_cloud(
    headers={"X-OpenAI-Api-Key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
             # "X-Google-Vertex-Api-Key": os.getenv("GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN"),
             "X-Palm-Api-Key": os.getenv("GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN")

for q in tqdm(collection_src.iterator()):, uuid=q.uuid)