Changing vertex project_id in embeddings configuration


Existing vector collection based on google vertex multi2vec_palm embeddings.

Collection created and working fine. (with following configuration)

text_fields=[“image_description”, “summary_description”, “problem_description”],
project_id = “XXXXX”,
location = “us-central1”,
model_id = “multimodalembedding@001”,
dimensions = 1408,

Need to change the project id. Do I need to create the embeddings for the collection with the new project id or can I change the project id. (this is usually configured during collection creation).

QUESTION: Once a (vector) collection is created with a particular google cloud project_id, can the project_Id be changed without recreating the entire collection?

Server Setup Information

  • Weaviate Server Version:
  • Deployment Method: docker on AWS (self-hosted)
  • Multi Node? 1
  • Client Language and Version:
  • Multitenancy?:

Any additional Information

Hi @Sridhar_Iyer,

I hope you’re having an awesome week!

If I understood you correctly, you would like to change the project_id property by renaming it to something else or deleting it, right?

In such cases, you would need to recreate the collection, similar to the concept of mutable vs. immutable parameters

I also want to add something that might be useful to know: If you add a new property to your collection definition, Weaviate only vectorizes the new objects. It doesn’t re-vectorize and re-index existing objects when a new property is defined.

QUESTION: Once a (vector) collection is created with a particular Google Cloud project_id, can the project_id be changed without recreating the entire collection?

If the changes updating values within the objects, that’s fine. But if you need to change the entire property in terms of its configuration, name, etc., you will need to delete the collection and recreate it except description parameter as it’s mutable.

Does that make sense? Let me know if you have any further questions!