Exposing the deployment has a lot of options and varies a lot.
I have crafted a docker compose for traefik here.
because of the new grpc endpoint, it got a little bit more tricky than only a common http port.
I have not played with nginx on k8s yet. I will try to get a hold of those an try to come up with some samples, as exposing weaviate is a common questions I see around.
But bottom line, this is will be about exposing both the http port and grpc port.
for the grpc part, you can use tools like grpcurl to make sure you deployment is serving. Check this thread on this
for instance:
grpcurl -d '{"service": "Weaviate"}' -proto health.proto grpc.weaviate.mydomain.com:50051 grpc.health.v1.Health/Check
Let me know if this helps and let’s keep it going!
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