Deploy on local server

Hi, I am considering deploying a Weaviate database on a server in my data centre. I am curious to find out if anyone has done it before. If so, how is it possible? How to secure it. How to access it from the public internet ( application hosted outside). What are the key considerations? Thanks a lot!

hi @matt !!

If you are using docker, you can install, secure and expose it using for example traefik.

Check this answer on how to do it:

Bottom line is that you will need to expose both http and grpc ports, and depending on how you have exposed it, you change the client initialization accordingly using the custom connection:

Let me know if this helps!


I am basically looking for the most safest, secure way of deploying it ( obviously there is a network component involved). Docker can be an option - is it just running docker deamon tool on the server or anything else could be considered?
Also, how it is the backup option available whilst dockerising the weaviate database?


Docker will work fine for a single node cluster.

If you want to run a multi node cluster, then we suggest Kubernetes:

For backups, sor single node, you can use the filesystem module, or for all kinds of cluster (single or multi node) you can use a remote one, like S3 ou GCP buckets for example.

Let me know if this helps!
