Error: 'WeaviateBatchError('Query call with protocol GRPC batch failed with message <>)

Hi Team,
I am getting the following Errors while writing object to weaviate.

  • Error: 'WeaviateBatchError(‘Query call with protocol GRPC batch failed with message CLIENT: Sent message larger than max (296704410 vs. 104858000).’)
  • Error: 'WeaviateBatchError(‘Query call with protocol GRPC batch failed with message Deadline Exceeded.’)
  • Error: 'WeaviateBatchError(‘Query call with protocol GRPC batch failed with message GOAWAY received; Error code: 1; Debug Text: [p]DATA: stream idle.’)

The following error occours when the batch size is set to >=100.

Server Setup Information

  • Weaviate Server Version:
  • Deployment Method: Kubernetes
  • Number of Running Nodes: One node
  • Weaviate Version: 1.25.0
  • weaviate python client: 4.6.5

hi @riturajraman !!

Welcome to our community :hugs:

This will happen if the amount of data you have per object, combined in a batch of X objects, is greater than GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE.

If you inspect the server logs, you should see a tip that your need to increase this environment variable.

Increasing this number should result in bigger batches being allowed.

Let me know if that helps!


Hi @DudaNogueira
Thankyou for the clarification.
Can you please clarifiy the other two, the deadline exceed and goaway received error one or it is also related to the same GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE?