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I think these queries should be bringing back only objects which contain ‘not working yet’ in the title, content, location or summary properties.
However, they are not. I am getting results that indicate that the keyword filters aren’t being executed.
{ Get { SolrCopy ( limit: 10 nearText: { concepts: ["specific text discussing query configurations in \"It's not working yet\""], } where: { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["site"], operator: Equal, valueText:""},{ operator: Or, operands: [ { path: ["groups"], operator: Equal, valueText: "Development" } ] },{ operator: Or, operands: [ { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["content"], operator: Like, valueText: "'not working yet'" } ] }, { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["title"], operator: Like, valueText: "'not working yet'" } ] }, { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["location"], operator: Like, valueText: "'not working yet'" } ] }, { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["summary"], operator: Like, valueText: "'not working yet'" } ] } ] } ] } ){ _additional { distance certainty } docId site title nid type public url content taxonomy groups date summary questions sourceUrl solrId location } } }
{ Get { SolrCopy ( limit: 10 hybrid: { query: "query configurations in \"It's not working yet\"" alpha: 0.5 } where: { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["site"], operator: Equal, valueText:""},{ operator: Or, operands: [ { path: ["groups"], operator: Equal, valueText: "Development" } ] },{ operator: Or, operands: [ { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["content"], operator: Like, valueText: "'not working yet'" } ] }, { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["title"], operator: Like, valueText: "'not working yet'" } ] }, { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["location"], operator: Like, valueText: "'not working yet'" } ] }, { operator: And, operands: [ { path: ["summary"], operator: Like, valueText: "'not working yet'" } ] } ] } ] } ){ _additional { distance score } docId site title nid type public url content taxonomy groups date summary questions sourceUrl solrId location } } }
I’m executing these commands in the Weaviate console, and when I search the results, ‘not working yet’ is not found in any of the returned content.
I do not see any error in the response. The only thing that may be unusual is that the “location” property is null as I just added it and it doesn’t contain any data. Other than that the output seems correct – it’s just not filtered by the keywords.
Update: I removed “location” property, same results.
Any suggestions? I can send you sample output if you like (it’s pretty long).