What could be the problem here? I have an article index, with a pubDate of datatype “date”, when I do a search with a limit of 10 results, I get a different top 10 then when i do a limit of a 1000 results, but I sort by the same descending date??
When I do a search: POST /v1/graphql/
{“query”:“{ Get {ArticleTest(limit: 10, sort:{order:desc,path:["pubDate"]}, nearText: {concepts: ["brand"], distance: 0.7}) {title,language,edition,author,pubDate,wordCount,body,source,sourceid,_additional {id,certainty}}}}”}
I get a different top 10 then when I do:
{“query”:“{ Get {ArticleTest(limit: 1000, sort:{order:desc,path:["pubDate"]}, nearText: {concepts: ["brand"], distance: 0.7}) {title,language,edition,author,pubDate,wordCount,body,source,sourceid,_additional {id,certainty}}}}”}
I did a full reindex, tried a different sort field (string), same problem…
I use version 1.22.5