Hi Team,
Seeing below error when we try to upgrade weaviate cluster(changing the image tag version) or perform scaling(changing the replicas value).
{"deprecation":{"apiType":"Configuration","id":"config-files","locations":["--config-file=\"\""],"mitigation":"Configure Weaviate using environment variables.","msg":"use of deprecated command line argument --config-file","sinceTime":"2020-09-08T09:46:00.000Z","sinceVersion":"0.22.16","status":"deprecated"},"level":"warning","msg":"use of deprecated command line argument --config-file","time":"2024-04-22T03:18:12Z"}
{"action":"startup","default_vectorizer_module":"none","level":"info","msg":"the default vectorizer modules is set to \"none\", as a result all new schema classes without an explicit vectorizer setting, will use this vectorizer","time":"2024-04-22T03:18:12Z"}
{"action":"startup","auto_schema_enabled":true,"level":"info","msg":"auto schema enabled setting is set to \"true\"","time":"2024-04-22T03:18:12Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"No resource limits set, weaviate will use all available memory and CPU. To limit resources, set LIMIT_RESOURCES=true","time":"2024-04-22T03:18:12Z"}
{"action":"broadcast_abort_transaction","error":"host \"****:7001\": unexpected status code 401: ","id":"97fec38d-b981-40db-a038-7b70e72595f0","level":"error","msg":"broadcast tx abort failed","time":"2024-04-22T03:18:12Z"}
{"action":"startup","error":"could not load or initialize schema: sync schema with other nodes in the cluster: read schema: open transaction: broadcast open transaction: host \"****:7001\": unexpected status code 401 ()","level":"fatal","msg":"could not initialize schema manager","time":"2024-04-22T03:18:12Z"}
New controller is getting created automatically and trying to perform the operation in rolling fashion.
But pods doesnât come up because of above errors.
Note ***
When i completely delete the Statefulset, weaviate scaling or upgrade works fine !! But we are looking for rolling update. Let me know if any changes to values.yaml to be done .