How does one create a tenant?

here you say:


without qualification but here you say:


for python client v4???

So which is it?

hi @alexander !!

Welcome to our community :hugs:

The collection.tenants.create method requires only the parameter tenants, where you should pass a single string or Tenant object, or a list of strings and Tenant objects.

All of them will have the same outcome. For example:

from weaviate import classes as wvc

assert len(collection.tenants.get()) == 0

collection.tenants.create(tenants=["Tenant2", "Tenat3"])
assert len(collection.tenants.get()) == 5

The only “difference” here is that by using Tenant() you can specify the activity_status along with the name.

Note that since Weaviate 1.25 we implemented auto tenant creation and activation

With that option on, if you specify a non existent or inactive tenant while ingesting, Weaviate will create/activate that tenant for you on the fly.

Let me know if that helps!


thanks mate, good to know. I guess the inconsistency in the docs is a little confusing.

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We have raised this to our team so we can improve it.

Thanks for reporting. We really appreciate it!