How to configure cohere as self hosted instead of public cohere url
Hi @djjeffr,
Indeed, there are several model providers that you can host locally with Weaviate. Here’s a list of options available for local deployment:
• Hugging Face (locally hosted)
• Meta ImageBind (locally hosted)
Additionally, our integration with Cohere is available at:
These links should give you a good starting point to explore.
Best regards,
Mohamed Shahin
Weaviate Support Engineer
Still doesn’t say how to connect to a locally hosted cohere? Why is cohere api url hard coded?
The reranker-cohere code has cohereAPIurl hard coded, see weaviate/modules/reranker-cohere/clients/ranker.go at 3cbf49a059a36b6c084b8f0ca95392e81122b185 · weaviate/weaviate · GitHub
The text2vec-cohere code allows the cohereAPIurl to be passed in, could the reranker-cohere code be changed to allow APIurl to be passed in.