How to use array of text datatype with TypeScript client?

text string string text[]
list of strings [“string one”, “string two”]
I check the doc, text[] looks like a go format.

Hi @kiancyc - the docs are correct. To set a property as an array of text, you specify it by setting it as text[] in the schema.

Please see the datatypes page for available datatypes, and the schema page for how to set the datatype for each property.

Thanks for your reply, it seems work now.

Sorry for open up an old thread. Im working on Python V4 client, and not sure how to specify the datatype for text[ ] in python v4 client? I can not find the docs anywhere as all of it is for define the schema in v3 client.

For text we have

how about text[], is it

Hi @viethungluu :wave:

You can do it like this:

Property(name="title", data_type=wvc.config.DataType.TEXT_ARRAY)

The others have an ARRAY suffix as well.