Using the old typescript sdk to connect /query to WCS, I get an error about vectorizer missing. However, the data upload done beforehand was successful and I can query / render the vectors for each object. Perhaps I am not understanding hybrid settings? Please advise.
// sample code
// query: as string,
query: "title", <-- one of the class properties
ClientError: get vector input from modules provider: VectorFromInput was called without vectorizer:
Server Setup Information
- Weaviate Server Version: Latest WCS
- Deployment Method: WCS
- Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: 1
- Client Language and Version: Typescript
Any additional Information
Should have added using weaviate-ts-client version 2.1.1 and next.js 14.2.1 to do the queries. Oddly they work when I am directly querying the WCS playground and adding the openai header there.
For some reason, headers is not being passed from above;
Here is the client instantiation:
const client: WeaviateClient = weaviate.client({
scheme: “https”,
host: “”,
apiKey: new ApiKey(“foo123131231231”),
headers: {“X-Openai-Api-Key”: “sk-foo3432423423”}
Here is the error:
ClientError: get vector input from modules provider: VectorFromInput was called without vectorizer: {“response”:{“data”:{“Get”:{“Foo2”:null}},“errors”:[{“locations”:[{“column”:6,“line”:1}],“message”:“get vector input from modules provider: VectorFromInput was called without vectorizer”,“path”:[“Get”,“Foo2”]}],“status”:200,“headers”:{}},“request”:{“query”:“{Get{Foo2(hybrid:{query:"Developer",alpha:0.5,properties:["title","companyName"],targetVectors:["title","companyName"]},limit:10){postId title companyName created_at}}}”}}
hi @weisisheng !
This is strange.
This seems to be a client message, complaining that you have not passed the vector parameter.
So in a hybrid search, if you pass only a query, it will be used for both the bm25 search, and have it vectorized to do the vector search part.
You can also pass a vector yourself, as described here:
Maybe there is a code before passing a null value as vector parameter?
Adding the vector helped me to get more insights into the issue. Thanks!
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