I am using a fetch_objects call as follows:
res = multi_tenant.query.fetch_objects(
filters=(Filter.by_property("from").equal("I") &
Filter.by_property("relationship").equal("do") &
return_properties = ["relationship"]
if len(res.objects) > 0:
return res.objects[0].uuid
return None
except weaviate.exceptions.WeaviateQueryError as e:
print(f"Error fetching connection - {e}")
raise Exception(e)
I see this error:
‘Query call with protocol GRPC search failed with message explorer: list class: search: object search at index triple: local shard object search triple_Yambina_Limited__Admin: nested query: nested clause at pos 1: invalid search term, only stopwords provided. Stopwords can be configured in class.invertedIndexConfig.stopwords.’
in the WeaviateQueryError.
Not at all clear what is wrong, the syntax I am using looks OK?
Server Setup Information
- Weaviate Server Version: semitechnologies/weaviate:1.24.10
- Deployment Method: docker
- Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: 1
- Client Language and Version: python API V4