Whenever I try to use cursor API for retrieving all objects of my schema on my WCS it throws the below error
'Unknown argument "after" on field "Paragraphs" of type "GetObjectsObj".'
But it works fine when I try to use it with my locally deployed weaviate cluster, Can it mean that my WCS does not have the latest weaviate version that’s why it is causing an error?
Hi @Yash_Gupta !
Welcome to our community 
I am pretty sure that all running wcs clusters will have the cursor API. So this must be a different issue.
Can you make sure the classes definition are the similar from wcs and at your local instance?
Hey @DudaNogueira , Thanks a lot for reverting back
Yeah the class schema is exactly the same in both cases
Hi Yash, are you able to check what version of Weaviate you are running locally and via WCS?
And if they are the same versions, are you running the same code for both instances to try the cursor?
This should be fixed already in 1.24+ version with latest python v4 client.
I will mark this as solved, but please, don’t hesitate to open a new thread if you face this issue.