Memberlist failed to get final advertise address: No private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided

I get the same Error just when I first try to use weaviate on my mac on VSC in a jupyter notebook.

just running the starter code:
import weaviate
import os

client = weaviate.connect_to_embedded(
version=“1.23.7”, # e.g. “1.23.3”
“X-OpenAI-Api-Key”: os.getenv(“OPENAI_API_KEY”)



and get this error message:

action":“startup”,“default_vectorizer_module”:“none”,“level”:“info”,“msg”:“the default vectorizer modules is set to "none", as a result all new schema classes without an explicit vectorizer setting, will use this vectorizer”,“time”:“2024-02-05T18:23:42+01:00”}
{“action”:“startup”,“auto_schema_enabled”:true,“level”:“info”,“msg”:“auto schema enabled setting is set to "true"”,“time”:“2024-02-05T18:23:42+01:00”}
{“action”:“memberlist_init”,“bind_port”:63512,“error”:“Failed to get final advertise address: No private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided”,“hostname”:“Embedded_at_8079”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“memberlist not created”,“time”:“2024-02-05T18:23:42+01:00”}
{“action”:“startup”,“error”:“create member list: Failed to get final advertise address: No private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“could not init cluster state”,“time”:“2024-02-05T18:23:42+01:00”}

I read your solution, but since I am not on AWS or anything, but on my local Mac. weaviate-client-4.4.2

Is there an easy solution for that? The same code runs perfectly on a colab notebook, but I would need it to run locally.