i am getting above error while connecting to my Weaviate client
it is deployed in the eks
below is my config i am unable to set the api-key
enabled: false
This configuration allows to add API keys to Weaviate. This configuration allows only
plain text API Keys, if you want to store the API Keys in a Kubernetes secret you can
configure the same configuration with ENV Vars. Read the env
section below on what
needs to be configured. If using ENV Vars over this make sure to comment out the whole
section (as it is by default). ENV Vars has priority over this config.
enabled: true
# # Any number of allowed API Keys as plain text
- testKey123
# - admin-plainText-API-Key
# # You can either set a single user for all the listed Allowed API keys OR
# # one user per API Key, i.e. length(apikey.allowed_keys) == length(apikey.users) OR
# # length(apikey.users) == 1
# # NOTE: Make sure the lister Users are added to the Authorization as well.
- admin
- dev
enabled: false
# issuer: ‘’
# username_claim: ‘’
# groups_claim: ‘’
# client_id: ‘’
enabled: fasle
# admins:
# - admin
# - admin_user2
# viewers:
# - viewer_user1
# - readonly_user1
enabled: true
- admin
# - admin_user2
# - api-key-user-admin
- dev
# - readonly_user2
# - api-key-user-readOnly
List one or more keys, separated by commas. Each key corresponds to a specific user identity below.
If you want to use a kubernetes secret for the API Keys comment out this Variable and use the one in envSecrets
List one or more user identities, separated by commas. You can have only one User for all the keys or one user per key.
The User/s can be a simple name or an email, no matter if it exists or not.
NOTE: Make sure to add the users to the authorization above overwise they will not be allowed to interact with Weaviate.
Enabling RBAC authorization. It is mutually exclusive with the AUTHORIZATION_ADMIN_LISTS variable. Either RBAC or the
admin lists mechanism can be used.
Users with admin’s RBAC role. List one or more user identities, separated by commas, which will
have the admin role assigned to. This role provides all permissions to the user, but it’s required at least
in one of the user for managing the cluster.
Users with viewer’s RBAC role. List one or more user identities, separated by commas, which will
have the viewer role assigned to. This role allows read permissions in all different areas. Once assigned via
config, it can’t be revoked via API AuthZ calls.