I have a weaviate instance running on K8 cluster on a GCP project.
While testing my code in debug model in pycharm, I connected to the weaviate instance and i did the mistake of stopping my program abruptly. My code has a finally block with wvt_client.close() so if i had run it it would have closed the connection.
Since it was closed abruptly i am unable to open any new connection. I get exception error “‘Meta endpoint! Unexpected status code: 503, with response body: None.’”
ResourceWarning: Con004: The connection to Weaviate was not closed properly. This can lead to memory leaks.
Please make sure to close the connection using `client.close()
is there a way to solve this without restarting the server?
What is the server and client version and language you are using? Is this a single node cluster or multinode? Those informations that we ask when opening the issue is important so we can understand if there was a fix or if you are using latest versions.
You should be able to instantiate a client without any problems, even if you already has done it.
For python client version 3 and typescript version 2, it should only use REST endpoints, so there isn’t a need to actually close.
But for latest versions, because we are now using GRPC, it is recommended to close the connection after using it.
Let me know about this info, and if there is a way to reproduce this so I can help you further.