Named Vector migration guide

Hello everyone.


I have a legacy class where I don’t use named vectors, but just use the skip_vectorization property to define what properties to use.

I now want to add new vector spaces to it.

Can I somehow migrate the default / original vector as a named vector and add new ones to it?
Do I have to create a new class and migrate the data from class 1 to class 2?
Can I even add named vectors to an existing class?

Can I query multiple named vectors in one call?

The documentation on “Update a collection definition” just says: Some definitions cannot be modified after you create your collection.

Server Setup Information

  • Weaviate Server Version: 1.24.8
  • Deployment Method: docker and k8 on azure
  • Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: single node
  • Client Language and Version: python 4.5.4

Hi @Frederic_Abraham !!

I am not sure this is possible.

I will take a look and get back here!

Hi @felizalde,

Yes, this can be done, but you can’t add new vectors to an existing collection.
You need to create a new collection (class), and copy over your old data with the existing vectors.

No, you can only query one vector space at a time.

“FYI. We are working on some ideas around searching across multiple vector spaces, but there are no timelines for this yet.”

How to migrate a collection to a named vector collection

Here is how I would do it.

Step 1 - create a new collection

Create a new collection, which contains two named vectors:

  • The old vector defined as a named vector – it is pretty much the same configuration, but you need to add a name
    • you don’t need source_properties, however if you could define source_properties, so that you end up with the same result as with exclude, then it might be better to do that.
  • The new vector – with the new configuration
from weaviate.classes.config import Configure, Property, DataType

    properties=[  # Define properties
        Property(name="title", data_type=DataType.TEXT),
        Property(name="body", data_type=DataType.TEXT),
        Property(name="description", data_type=DataType.TEXT, skip_vectorization=True),
        # Set a named vector
        Configure.NamedVectors.text2vec_cohere(  # Use the "text2vec-cohere" vectorizer
            # source_properties=["title", "body"] # use this if that covers the same number of properties
        # Set another named vector
        Configure.NamedVectors.text2vec_openai(  # Use the "text2vec-openai" vectorizer
            source_properties=["title", "body"]

Step 2 – copy data over

Use the iterator to get properties and vectors from the old collection:

old_articles = client.collections.get("Articles")

for item in collection.iterator():
        item.vector["default"] # this might also be just item.vector

Then iterate over the objects and using batch insert the data with the existing vectors (and let Weaviate generate the new vectors for you).

please note, I didn’t test this code. I would recommend testing this on a small group of objects (~100), to see if that works for you.

old_articles = client.collections.get("Articles")
new_articles = client.collections.get("NewArticles")

with new_articles.batch.dynamic() as batch:
    for item in old_articles.iterator(include_vector=True):
                "old_vector_name": item.vectors["default"], # use the existing vector
               # no need to specify the new vector here, as that will get generated


Note 1 - double vectors → double RAM
Please note, that using multiple vector spaces, means more RAM needed for the new vectors

Note 2 - generated vectors
When you copy over existing objects, the old vectors won’t be regenerated, only new ones will.
But, after that, every time you add a new objects, a vector will be generated for each named vector.

I hope this helps.

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