I’ve noticed that after several hours of inactivity (no queries or imports), the first query against my collection takes a very long time, upwards of 30 seconds. Then the second and third queries are a bit faster. Then, by about the 10th or 15th query, the query time is back to where I expect it to be. What explains this behavior? Is there a cache setting that could be misconfigured?
Information about my collection:
- 8 million objects
- vectors are 768 dimensions
Config for my HNSW index:
ef = -1,
dynamic_ef_min = 25,
dynamic_ef_max = 125,
ef_construction = 512
Note I did not set vectorCacheMaxObjects
, so this parameter should have the default value of 1e12.
Server Setup Information
- Weaviate Server Version: 1.24
- Deployment Method: docker
- Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: 1 node
- Client Language and Version: Python v4
- Amount of memory on my node: 120 GB, which should be plenty