@etiennedi @DudaNogueira
So I added the args:
section in the project values.yaml (everything else remains the same).
- “–host”
- “”
- “–port”
- “8080”
- “–scheme”
- “http”
- “–config-file”
- “/weaviate-config/conf.yaml”
- –read-timeout=600s
- –write-timeout=60s
after the helm chart change checked in, by checking the updated pod state:
kubectl describe pod weaviate-0 -n weaviate
I can see the arg list is properly overwritten:
Container ID: …
Image: …
Image ID: …
Port: 8080/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
State: Running
Started: Mon, 04 Mar 2024 17:47:46 -0800
Ready: True
I also configured the client side read-timeout to 600s:
weaviate_client = weaviate.Client(
timeout_config=(30, 600),
However, when I run the following query:
start = time.perf_counter()
response = (
.get(“PilotImage_flat”, [“image_id”])
“vector”: v
end = time.perf_counter()
print(f"take {end - start} seconds")
interestingly, the latency is on the boundry of 60 seconds (which is the default read-timeout value both on clien side and server side), so if latency < 60s, I can get a proper response, but when latency > 60 s, it throws the following exception:
UnexpectedStatusCodeException: Query was not successful! Unexpected status code: 502, with response body: None.
And from the server side, I found the following error message and hint:
{“buildVersion”:“1.23.7”,“context”:{“kubernetes”:{“container_image_id”:“…”,“container_name”:“weaviate”,“pod_name”:“weaviate-0”,“pod_namespace”:“weaviate”},“log_group”:“weaviate”},“description”:“An I/O timeout occurs when the request takes longer than the specified server-side timeout.”,“error”:“write tcp> i/o timeout”,“hint”:“Either try increasing the server-side timeout using e.g. ‘–write-timeout=600s’ as a command line flag when starting Weaviate, or try sending a computationally cheaper request, for example by reducing a batch size, reducing a limit, using less complex filters, etc. Note that this error is only thrown if client-side and server-side timeouts are not in sync, more precisely if the client-side timeout is longer than the server side timeout.”,“host”:“ip-10-89-36-81.ec2.internal”,“level”:“ERROR”,“message”:“i/o timeout”,“method”:“POST”,“path”:{“ForceQuery”:false,“Fragment”:“”,“Host”:“”,“OmitHost”:false,“Opaque”:“”,“Path”:“/v1/graphql”,“RawFragment”:“”,“RawPath”:“”,“RawQuery”:“”,“Scheme”:“”,“User”:null},“service”:“weaviate-0”,“source_type”:“kubernetes_logs”,“time”:“2024-03-05T08:11:15Z”}
Either try increasing the server-side timeout using e.g. ‘–write-timeout=600s’ as a command line flag when starting Weaviate, or try sending a computationally cheaper request, for example by reducing a batch size, reducing a limit, using less complex filters, etc. Note that this error is only thrown if client-side and server-side timeouts are not in sync, more precisely if the client-side timeout is longer than the server side timeout.
since I have configured the read-timeout to 600s on both client side and server side, why I still see this error and hint above?