[Question] Convert GraphQL query to Filter object

Hi, I’m using the Python v4 client, and I have a graphql filter (an example could be something like “{‘where_filter’: {‘path’: [‘KM’], ‘operator’: ‘LessThan’, ‘valueInt’: 200000}}”). I wanted to know if there is a way to automatically convert this filter into a “Filter” object, i.e., a method that takes the graphql query and returns something like “Filter.by_property(“KM”).less_than(200000)”

hi @Axel_Straminsky !!

Welcome to our community :hugs:

I believe some user have written some parser to generate weaviate python _Filters (I believe it was shared on slack as I did not find it here.)

note that you can still do graphql calls using python v4:


I understand that there were some implementations generating graphql filters, but unfortunately we doesn’t have some code to convert those :grimacing:

Let me know if this helps!