Successfully Added Data to Weaviate but Facing Retrieval Issue

Hello Community,

I wanted to share a recent experience with Weaviate, and seek some advice or suggestions on an issue I encountered. I successfully added the following data to Weaviate:

    "class": "SearchProduct_3",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1720096787175,
    "id": "a-a-a-a-a,
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1720096787175,
    "properties": {
        "description": "A percentage-based merchant charge of 2.9% per transaction. Suitable for businesses with varying transaction amounts.",
        "keywords": "merchant,percentage,transaction fee,business,2.9%",
        "row_data": {
            "charge_id": "a-a-a-a-a",
            "charge_name": "merchant charges",
            "charge_per_unit": 2.9,
            "charge_type": "percent",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_deleted": false
        "title": "Percentage-Based Merchant Charges"
    "vectorWeights": null

The data was successfully added without any issues. However, when I attempted to retrieve the data, I encountered the following error related to the row_data key:

"errors": [
        "locations": [
                "column": 122,
                "line": 1
        "message": "Field \"row_data\" of type \"SearchProduct_3_row_data_object\" must have a sub selection.",
        "path": null

Request for Suggestions:

  • Has anyone encountered a similar issue with nested fields in Weaviate?
  • Any advice on how to resolve this error or configure the sub-selection for row_data?

Looking forward to any insights or suggestions from the community!

Thanks in advance! :blush:


Hi @Freddy !

What is the server version?
Can you share the query?

If you are trying to filter by nested object, this is not possible as of now:

Let me know if this helps.


Version is : 1.23.6

Query is :

            self.client.query.get(class_name, properties=['title', 'description', 'row_data', 'keywords'])
                query="get me charge data",

Oh, I see. You have a problem on hybrid search with nested . :slight_smile:

Note that filtering on nested objects are yet supported :frowning:

Check here the note when this feature was released:

There is a feature request around this in our roadmap:

Please, leave your :+1: on that issue so we can keep it high on priority!

I was able to partially reproduce this issue.

Check the following code, running on

print(weaviate.__version__, client.get_meta().get("version"))
>>> client: 4.6.5, server:1.25.6

this is basically the same query but using python v4 client. And it raise the same error you have:

collection = client.collections.get("Nested"){"parent": {"child": "hello nested world"}})
results = collection.query.hybrid(query="get me charge data", alpha=0.6, fusion_type=wvc.query.HybridFusion.RANKED)

However, this will work

collection = client.collections.get("Nested"){"parent": {"child": "hello nested world"}, "other": "text"})
results = collection.query.hybrid(query="get me charge data", alpha=0.6, fusion_type=wvc.query.HybridFusion.RANKED)

Note the β€œother” property.

Now, considering that the nested object is not indexable, can you make sure you have other content on your collection other than the nested obhect?

Let me know if this helps.


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