Timeout Error While Creating Schema Property on Weaviate with 3-Node Kubernetes Cluster


Server Setup Information

  • Weaviate Server Version: 1.19.1
  • Deployment Method: k8s
  • Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: 3
  • Client Language and Version: Python, weaviate-client==3.19.1
  • Multitenancy?: No

Any additional Information

Hi Team,

We would like to create a schema property on our Weaviate instance, which is hosted on Kubernetes with 3 nodes. We have forwarded the Weaviate port to local and run the Python Weaviate client script, but we encountered a timeout error.

We have performed similar actions on a local Weaviate instance and on Kubernetes with 1 node without encountering this issue. Do you have any ideas on what might be causing this problem?

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hi @Matthew_Leung !!

Welcome to our community :hugs: !!

First, this is a fairly old version. We strongly suggest you to upgrade to latest as there are a lot of improvements and bug fixes between those versions.

This error message will usually surface when the port (in your case it seems to be 61926) is not properly exposed.

You will need to expose this port in K8s and make sure it is accessible from the application you are connecting from.

Let me know if this helps.


Hi @DudaNogueira,

We have deployed the Python function on AWS Lambda, and it successfully connects to the Weaviate endpoint, listing the database. However, when we try to create the schema property on the database, it still throws a timeout error. May I know if there is any Weaviate configuration that may prevent the creation of schema properties?


Does this error happen only when running from AWS Lambda?

If you run this locally, does it work as expected?


Issue fixed. I think there is some problem on our db.

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Thanks for sharing! We really appreciate!