Weaviate batch writes Erroring when i try to write 500000 data from spark connector

i am trying to put 500000 records pet spark job into weaviate in each (2000 ) per batch (have a total of 8 million records ) using spark connector for weaviate. I am getting below error. Pls advise if there is a setting i need to adjust to accept this batch size on weaviate.df.write.format(“io.weaviate.spark.Weaviate”).option(“batchSize”, 2000).option(“scheme”, “http”).option(“host”

pls advise on why the above errors are happening.

2 types of issues i can see in logs -

a) {"description":"A broken pipe error occurs when Weaviate tries to write a response onto a connection that has already been closed or reset by the client. Typically, this is the case when the server was not able to respond within the configured client-side timeout.","error":"write tcp x.x.x.x:8080-\u003ex.x.x.x:36541: write: broken pipe","hint":"Either try increasing the client-side timeout, or sending a computationally cheaper request, for example by reducing a batch size, reducing a limit, using less complex filters, etc.","level":"error","method":"POST","msg":"broken pipe","path":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/v1/batch/objects","RawPath":"","OmitHost":false,"ForceQuery":false,"RawQuery":"","Fragment":"","RawFragment":""},"time":"2023-06-21T11:06:34Z"}

b) When i set replicationfConfig factor:2. for my class then i see below error and spark job fails-

kubectl logs weaviate-0 -n sip-wvt-scaled -f | grep error
{"level":"error","msg":" memberlist: Failed fallback TCP ping: timeout 1s: read tcp x.x.x.x:36818-\u003ex.x.x.x:7000: i/o timeout","time":"2023-06-22T09:13:51Z"}
{"level":"error","msg":" memberlist: Failed fallback TCP ping: timeout 1s: read tcp x.x.x.x:33810-\u003ex.x.x.x:7000: i/o timeout","time":"2023-06-22T09:14:15Z"}
{"level":"error","msg":"\"x.x.x.x:7001\": connect: Post \"http://x.x.x.x:7001/replicas/indices/ClipEmbeddingsScaled/shards/eU2dc5Kl65uI/objects?request_id=weaviate-0-64-188e2615fd7-15\": context canceled","op":"broadcast","time":"2023-06-22T09:14:26Z"}
{"level":"error","msg":"\"\": connect: Post \"http://x.x.x.x:7001/replicas/indices/ClipEmbeddingsScaled/shards/2Mv8KFbKGP72/objects?request_id=weaviate-0-64-188e2615fd7-16\": context canceled","op":"broadcast","time":"2023-06-22T09:14:26Z"}
{"class":"ClipEmbeddingsScaled","level":"error","msg":"[broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough replicas broadcast: cannot reach enough rep

My vector config

class_obj = {

"class": "ClipEmbeddingsScaled",
"invertedIndexConfig": {
    "indexTimestamps": True
"shardingConfig": {
    "virtualPerPhysical": 128,
    "desiredCount": 2,
    "actualCount": 2,
    "desiredVirtualCount": 128,
    "actualVirtualCount": 128,
    "key": "_id",
    "strategy": "hash",
    "function": "murmur3"
"vectorIndexConfig": {
        "distance": "cosine",
        "maxConnections": 250
"vectorizer": "multi2vec-clip",

Hi @Krishna_C,

The engineering team is having a look at this, I will get back to you as soon as I know more!


@zainhas did we get an update on this? I am having the same issue trying to ingest a lot of records in weaviate in batch