Hi! I am setting up OIDC authentication to Weaviate on AKS with client credentials flow in Azure, and keep running into this error when trying to connect:
UnexpectedStatusCodeException: Meta endpoint! Unexpected status code: 500, with response body: {'code': 500, 'message': "oidc: token doesn't contain required claim 'email'"}.
I am using this code for testing the connection:
client_credentials_config = weaviate.AuthClientCredentials(
client_secret = client_secret
client = weaviate.Client(ip_url,
client.schema.get() # Get the schema to test connection
Here is my Weaviate authentication config:
enabled: true
issuer: https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant_id}/v2.0
username_claim: email
groups_claim: groups
client_id: {client_id}
scope: email
I do have email claim added as part of the token configuration. Any help is appreciated, thanks!