Hi, I’m trying to port my code to Weaviate’s multi-tenant system and I am having trouble making a where query that takes a tenant id
When I try without the tenant in the path — ie
# Delete all pages referencing the same book
"path": ["book", "Book", "id"],
"operator": "Equal",
"valueText": book_uuid,
it gives
weaviate.exceptions.WeaviateBaseError: Delete in batch! Unexpected status code: 422, with response body: {'error': [{'message': 'batch delete objects: cannot find objects: find matching doc ids in shard "zbf4s7y11skueza82yvyulwg": nested query: nested clause at pos 1: nested request to fetch matching IDs: object search at index book: class Book has multi-tenancy enabled, but request was without tenant'}]}
It would seem that the tenant id isn’t passed to subqueries when going through the batch endpoint