A backup was taken from a multi-node Docker environment using S3 storage, then restored to a Kubernetes environment deployed with Helm and configured with three replicas.
Server Setup Information
- Weaviate Server Version: semitechnologies/weaviate:1.23.7(Docker), semitechnologies/weaviate:1.27.2(K8s)
- Deployment Method: docker & k8s
- Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: 3
- Client Language and Version: Python
- Multitenancy: Nil
Any additional Information
Taking the backup records from weaviate docker running environment and stored the data backups on S3 Bucket.
Logs from K8s Deployment
{“action”:“try_restore”,“backend”:“s3”,“backup_id”:“first-backup”,“build_git_commit”:“64457c2”,“build_go_version”:“go1.22.9”,“build_image_tag”:“v1.27.2”,“build_wv_version”:“1.27.2”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“cannot resolve hostname for "node1"”,“time”:“2024-11-11T10:29:59Z”,“took”:6559398683}
Encountered issues while attempting to change the hostname and pod settings in a Kubernetes deployment, using both Helm and the YAML configuration file.