Email or other push service to notify new docker release?

I am currently running weaviate with the docker image 1.25.2.

In the docker registry I’ve seen the latest is 1.25.4 and also there are 1.26 previews.

Is there a way to get notified of new versions (without the previews) maybe with a corresponding change log ?

Thank you very much

hi there my friend @rjalex !!

I believe the best way is to watch Weaviate repo on github.

This will send you an email like so:

The docker image will probably not be available right away, as it need to be built first. You can monitor the status here:

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile:

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As always, you’re the man @DudaNogueira !!!

Thanks I’ve opened a custom watch for releases on the repo and with the provision that the workflow can be a little delayed, I have what I wanted.

Take care and have a great day.


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