Error when Data Stored in AWS EFS in Weaviate

I have created a Weaviate Setup in AWS ECS and create auto-scaling. Due to spike load, the weaviate instance restarted and now, I am getting below error which accessing the data.

“data”: {
“Get”: {
“WeaviateDemo3”: null
“errors”: [
“locations”: [
“column”: 6,
“line”: 1
“message”: “explorer: list class: search: object search at index weaviatedemo3: local shard object search weaviatedemo3_PXksOv6syq7H: Unable to load shard PXksOv6syq7H: init shard “weaviatedemo3_PXksOv6syq7H”: init shard “weaviatedemo3_PXksOv6syq7H”: shard db: create objects bucket: init disk segments: init segment segment-1719829104648996364.db: mmap file: invalid argument”,
“path”: [

  • Weaviate Server Version: 1.24.4
  • Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: Single Node only
  • Client Language and Version: Python
  • Multitenancy?: No

We are persisting data in AWS EFS and we face this issue as soon as the instance reboots.

HI @saurbhhsharrma !!

I have seen a similar error :thinking:

Can you check if that file 1719829104648996364.db is empty?

This may also be a symptom of reaching the limits of the hardware, so time to a multi node deployment.

How many objects are you running?

Also, check here for a similar thread: