Errors: text too long for vectorization. Tokens for text: 10440, max tokens per batch: 8192, ApiKey absolute token limit: 1000000'


Hi there I am trying to generate some vector embeddings via Mistral AI but I am having few issues first of all I was getting 429 issue on object insertion i fixed it by limiting the number of request per seconds now I am getting this :

errors: text too long for vectorization. Tokens for text: 10440, max tokens per batch: 8192, ApiKey absolute token limit: 1000000’

    # Additional parameters not shown
for row in rows:
      original_name = row.OriginalName
      full_text = row.FullText
    # Create object directly
      data_row = {
        "filename": original_name,
        "filecontent": full_text
      print(f"Passing file : {original_name}")
      collection = client.collections.get("Embeddings")
      with collection.batch.rate_limit(requests_per_minute=30) as batch:
          obj_uuid = generate_uuid5(data_row)
            properties=data_row  )
      if len(collection.batch.failed_objects) > 0:

Any additional Information

hi @Muhammad_Ashir !

Welcome to our community :slight_smile:

What is the version you are using both for server and client?

Can you paste the entire traceback?

This message can happen if you pass a too big of content from a object to be indexed.

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Hi @DudaNogueira I am using the cloud version Weaviate
Database version : 1.26.6
for server is there any solution how I can handle big content I am already using batch import and limited request with sleep time to handle the mistral api limits is there any way to limit the token

Passing file : AccountTransactionsf.pdf
{‘message’: ‘Failed to send 1 objects in a batch of 1. Please inspect client.batch.failed_objects or collection.batch.failed_objects for the failed objects.’}
[ErrorObject(message=“WeaviateInsertManyAllFailedError(‘Every object failed during insertion. Here is the set of all errors: text too long for vectorization. Tokens for text: 10440, max tokens per batch: 8192, ApiKey absolute token limit: 1000000’)”, object_=_BatchObject(collection=‘ECMEmbeddings’, vector=None, uuid=‘4e512aff-441d-4dbd-b31b-69f5c2e69aa1’, properties={‘filename’: ‘AccountTransactionsf.pdf’, ‘filecontent’: ‘my content is large here’ }, tenant=None, references=None, index=0, retry_count=0), original_uuid=None)]

Hey, How big is your input text? You can have a look here

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Hi @Dirk its

We do have some very large files expected to be having tokens more than 50,000

Mistral has a hard limit of 8192 tokens. You cannot have any texts that are larger that should be vectorized by mistral.

Have a look into chunking to work around that: A brief introduction to chunking | Weaviate

chunk_collection_definition = {
    "class": "DEmbeddings",
    "vectorizer": "text2vec-mistral",
    "moduleConfig": {
        "generative-mistral": {}
    "properties": [
            "name": "chunk",
            "dataType": ["text"],
            "name": "filename",
            "dataType": ["text"],
            "name": "chunking_strategy",
            "dataType": ["text"],
            "tokenization": "field",


I have tried this but it says that not schema inside client one more thing right now I am using this

# client.collections.create(
#     "DEmbeddings",
#     vectorizer_config=[
#         Configure.NamedVectors.text2vec_mistral(
#             name="filecontent",
#             source_properties=["filecontent"],
#             model="mistral-embed",
#         )
#     ],
#     # Additional parameters not shown
# )

is there any way to define the chunking thing?

hi @Muhammad_Ashir !

You need to chunk your content before ingesting to the Database.

I got you but I am concered about fetching because the techniques you have mentioned on documentation I am following that if I save it as chunk then in case of search I have to fetch the other chunks as well and I am just trying to follow that : Example part 1 - Chunking | Weaviate

hi @Muhammad_Ashir !

Not sure I understood.

If you chunk your document, in let’s say, 3 chunks, you will get only the chunk that is closest to your query.

Hi @DudaNogueira that’s not my case here What i want if I have three chunks and my search is nearest to the one of the chunks then i wanna get all those three chunks

We are working on a file base system so if we lets say have a large files we converted it into three chunks that is : a,b,c
Now if my query matches with b then I have to fetch the whole files to do some thing on that, and in your example even this thing has been explained that if you convert object into the chunks on match you will get the whole object but I am not sure about the tokenization because the method in documentation mentioned is not working for me as I have pasted code above as well.
I am following this Example part 1 - Chunking | Weaviate can you have look and let me know please :wink:

Tokenization and Chunking are different things.

Tokenization is about how an object property will be tokenized to be indexed.

Let’s say you have a property url, that is set up to tokenization word (the default).

when you create an object with the value, for example, Weaviate will tokenize this value per word. This means that you will end up with both google and com

Now when you do a filter in Weaviate, by property url EqualTo you will not find that object, because it doesn’t have a token, but google and com.

If you set the tokenization to field, then Weaviate will treat the whole value as a single token. Now you can search only for EqualTo

Now, chunking, is how you will separate a big corpus of text into smaller ones. Weaviate will not do that for your.

You need to chunk it before ingesting to the database. So instead of chunking 1 big corpus, you chunk it up in smaller ones, and each of that chunk will be an object in Weaviate.

Now, when you do a hybrid search, you will leverage both the vector and those tokens indexed as word and field, in order to get the best possible search.

In your case, you could for example group the results per different documents, and pass it over to the front end. If the user requests (or you can do it beforehand), you load up the surrounding chunks of that document so you can present it to the user.

I believe Verba does something similar: GitHub - weaviate/Verba: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) chatbot powered by Weaviate

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile: