Hello, I am trying to use the filter by length but without success. First I have added the index to the class as follows:
'{"class": "BriefZ", "properties":[{"dataType":["string"], "name": "brief_id"}, {"dataType":["text"], "name":"brief_type"}, {"dataType":["text"], "name":"brief_name"}, {"dataType":["text"], "name":"brief_content"}], "vectorizer": "text2vec-openai", "invertedIndexConfig": {"indexPropertyLength": true}';
Now I am trying to query
BriefZ (
limit: 3
where: {
operator: equal,
valueInt: 0,
path: [len("brief_content")]
) {
but I get this error:
"message": "Syntax Error GraphQL request (8:19) Unexpected (\n\n7: valueInt: 0,\n8: path: [len(\"brief_content\")]\n ^\n9: }\n",
"path": null
Been trying for over an hour and so need some help please