Can I use korean in query filters?(with error message)

Can I use korean in query filters?

I got this message and I think this is a problem of filtering using korean

what should I do?

“message”: "Syntax Error GraphQL request (1:166) Unexpected character "\\uC544".\n\n1: {Get{Question(where: {operator: And operands: [{path: ["exclusiveSpace"] operator: LessThan valueText: "30"}, {path: ["realestateTypeName"] operator: Like valueInt: \uc544\ud30c\ud2b8*}]} limit: 3 ){articleNo exclusiveSpace realestateTypeName tradeTypeName exposureAddress warrantPrice}}}\n

hi @user5 !! Welcome to our community :hugs:

I believe the issue is that the value for valueInt should be an integer and not \uC544

Can you check what is the object type of realestateTypeName?

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