Hybrid Search on Class and cross-referenced class

I’m trying to perform a search on an Article class object (each associated with an Author class via an Article → Author cross-reference).
I would like to do a hybrid search matching the Article class for the vector and bm25 on the author’s name. However I’m getting the following error:

 Searching by property 'Author.name' requires inverted index. Is `indexSearchable` option of property 'Author.name' enabled

My understanding is that indexSearchable defaults to true so is it possible that we can’t do a hybrid search on a cross-reference?

Hi @gabriel and welcome!

Yeah I think you’re right but I’ll check with the team and get back to you to confirm.

Yeah unfortunately BM25/hybrid searches are not yet possible on cross-referenced properties.

Hi @jphwang is BM25 search based on cross-referenced properties in your roadmap or at least planned for future releases please?