Is it possible to turn off the use of any AVX instruction set for Weaviate?

I would like to test using Weaviate without any of the optimized SIMD setups discussed in: Distance metrics | Weaviate - Vector Database

I am getting deep kernel-level errors while building up vector graphs on my Linux computer and I’m trying to isolate the issue… I have had similar issues while using other vector DBs so I am confident that the crashes are related to these…

Is it possible to turn off the use of any AVX instruction set(s) for Weaviate ?
Is there any parameter I can pass to Weaviate or do I need to get into BIOS/chipset software and disable from there?

#Optimization question
#Low-level optimization
#SIMD support
#Optimized Vector Calculations

Hi! Same post as here:

Closing in favor of that.