Memory readonly percentage not working

Hi Team, I configure weaviate with
in weaviate 1.21.2. But Even crossing 80% of memory I doesn’t show any warning or dont go to read-only. Does it not support for the above version or something else to do ?

Are you sure you set the environment variables correctly? Can you run the following command in your docker desktop?


Also, can you see if this was correctly setup from the logs (which show up right after initialization)

Hi @mnkasikci @DudaNogueira , i checked that the variables are working correctly. but Radio() function in memwatch Monitor always return 0. So that even if the currently memory usage > 80% it always show 0.00%.
I placed a logger inside memoryUseWarn function . It shows

{“action”:“MEMORYUSAGEWARN METHOD”,“level”:“warning”,“msg”:“memory usage currently at 0.00%, threshold set to 80.00%”,“path”:“/var/lib/weaviate”,“time”:“2024-02-07T11:03:39Z”}
{“action”:“MEMORYUSAGEWARN METHOD”,“level”:“warning”,“msg”:“memory usage currently at 0.00%, threshold set to 80.00%”,“path”:“/var/lib/weaviate”,“time”:“2024-02-07T11:04:09Z”}