Hi there!
I’ve been trying to set up 3 weaviate servers in a cluster for High Availability, using Google Cloud.
I’m nearly done with the configuration, but when I review on v1/cluster/statistics, it displays “synchronized”: false at the bottom, despite all nodes being Healthy, with one marked as a Leader and the other 2 as followers
I’ve reviewed ports/firewalls to make sure communication can happen on ports:
7100, 7101, 8080, 8300, 8301, 50051
I’m using the same 7100/7101 ports on all 3 servers, not sure if that’s an issue, but the fact that they seem to be talking to each other (even if they aren’t synching yet) leads me to believe that’s not a major issue.
I’m running 1.26.4,
with the following env vars:
RAFT_JOIN main-server-name.us-central1-a.c.google-project.internal,alt-one.us-west1-b.c.google-project.internal,alt-two.us-east1-b.c.google-project.internal
CLUSTER_JOIN main-server-name.us-central1-a.c.google-project.internal:7100
The CLUSTER_JOIN var isn’t set on the main server, as per the documentation.
Help is very much appreciated. Thanks!
They’re up and running now. I ended up destroying all 3 hard drives and letting weaviate recreate the /var/lib/weaviate data, and it seems to be fine now.