S3 backup "failed to verify certificate"


With Weaviate 1.23.7, I configured S3 backup in the Helm chart. The S3 endpoint is a local service (on a NetApp SAN) that’s available via https on port 8443 and with a self-signed certificate.

The inevitable happens:

# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "id": "test-backup", "include": ["TEST_01"] }'
{"error":[{"message":"check if backup \"test-backup\" exists at \"s3://[…internal_bucketname…]/test-backup\": get object 'test-backup/backup_config.json': Get \"https://[…internal_host_fqdn…]:8443/[…internal_bucketname…]/?location=\": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead"}]}

Can I somehow disable TLS verification or add the self-signed certificate as trusted? The docs only mention disabling TLS altogether which the endpoint doesn’t allow it seems.

Server Setup Information

  • Weaviate Server Version: 1.23.7
  • Deployment Method: k8s with Helm
  • Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: 2
  • Client Language and Version: curl 7.61.1
  • Multitenancy?: no

Any additional Information

The backup-specific part of the values.yaml for Helm:

    enabled: false

    enabled: true

      BACKUP_S3_BUCKET: […internal_bucketname…]
      BACKUP_S3_ENDPOINT: […internal_host_fqdn…]:8443
      # BACKUP_S3_USE_SSL: true

      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: weaviate-s3-backup
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: weaviate-s3-backup

    enabled: false

    enabled: false

tl;dr: The self-signed certificate needs subjectAltNames and the environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE allows an override for the truststore.

I continued investigating and found out that the specific self-signed certificate has issues: Golang > 1.17 doesn’t support certificates not defining SANs. With a modified self-signed certificate, the error message looks like this:

{"error":[{"message":"check if backup \"test-backup\" exists at \"s3://[…internal_bucketname…]/test-backup\": get object 'test-backup/backup_config.json': Get \"https://[…internal_host_fqdn…]:8443/[…internal_bucketname…]/?location=\": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"}]}

Then I found the Golang-specific environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE and added a custom truststore file as follows:

$ vi values.yaml
  # Add a custom truststore including the self-signed certificate
  SSL_CERT_FILE: /tls/custom-truststore.crt
- name: custom-truststore
  mountPath: /tls

- name: custom-truststore
    name: weaviate-custom-truststore

The referenced ConfigMap contains the complete /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt from the image plus my self-signed certificate.

It’s working now:


Hi @akerkau,

Welcome to our community! It’s great to have you here.

I’m glad to hear you managed to solve the issue, and I appreciate you sharing the solution for us and other members who may face the same challenge.

Wishing you a lovely week ahead!