Hello, everybody. Currently I’m trying to find a way to search records by numbers.
For example:
Records are represented as strings (
e.g.:" Report for Transaction ID 777:
Amount: 6.50 USD
Merchant: Demo merchant
It works good when I’m trying to find a record by merchant name or status. But when I tried to find a record by transaction ID, it found many records with wrong IDs (like 776 or 787).
My query has different representations such as:
- Provide me info about transaction with ID 777
- Transaction ID 777
- 777
But I still can’t retrieve suitable data.
Server Setup Information
- Weaviate Server Version: 1.26.0
- Deployment Method: docker
- Client Language and Version: v4
- qna-transformers: installed via docker
Any additional Information
I’m creating a flow in langflow, so I tried to use different components:
- The base one (regular similarity search)
- Custom component with raw GraphQL query