Unable to install Weaviate on IPv6

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to deploy weaviate on kubernetes cluster using ipv6.
But it’s failing with below error.

#kubectl  logs weaviate-0  
Defaulted container "weaviate" out of: weaviate, configure-sysctl (init)
{"action":"config_load","config_file_path":"/weaviate-config/conf.yaml","level":"info","msg":"Usage of the weaviate.conf.json file is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use environment variables.","time":"2024-03-11T05:12:56Z"}
{"deprecation":{"apiType":"Configuration","id":"config-files","locations":["--config-file=\"\""],"mitigation":"Configure Weaviate using environment variables.","msg":"use of deprecated command line argument --config-file","sinceTime":"2020-09-08T09:46:00.000Z","sinceVersion":"0.22.16","status":"deprecated"},"level":"warning","msg":"use of deprecated command line argument --config-file","time":"2024-03-11T05:12:56Z"}
{"action":"startup","default_vectorizer_module":"none","level":"info","msg":"the default vectorizer modules is set to \"none\", as a result all new schema classes without an explicit vectorizer setting, will use this vectorizer","time":"2024-03-11T05:12:56Z"}
{"action":"startup","auto_schema_enabled":true,"level":"info","msg":"auto schema enabled setting is set to \"true\"","time":"2024-03-11T05:12:56Z"}
{"action":"memberlist_init","bind_port":7000,"error":"Failed to get final advertise address: No private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided","hostname":"weaviate","level":"error","msg":"memberlist not created","time":"2024-03-11T05:12:56Z"}
{"action":"startup","error":"create member list: Failed to get final advertise address: No private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided","level":"error","msg":"could not init cluster state","time":"2024-03-11T05:12:56Z"}

Any clue or suggestions?

  • Weaviate Server Version: 1.23.7
  • Deployment Method: Helm chart
  • Multi Node? Number of Running Nodes: currently one replica

Hi @raku ! Welcome to our community :hugs:

Can you share the steps or files you changed with which values you have done for spinning up this cluster?

This will make it easier to try reproducing in our end.


Hi @DudaNogueira ! Thank you for your warm welcome.

I am using helm chart to deploy weaviate on kubernetes v1.26

most important change are in values.yaml, like --host parameter updated from to ::

  - '--host'
  - '::'
  - '--port'
  - '8080'
  - '--scheme'
  - 'http'
  - '--config-file'
  - '/weaviate-config/conf.yaml'
  - --read-timeout=60s
  - --write-timeout=60s
    enabled: true
  - admin_user1

    enabled: false

    enabled: true
    - admin_user1

Except that not many major changes has been done on existing helm chart. Almost using default.

For images I am using my own repository.

Were you able to proceed past this error? I am facing the same issue…

Hi, no luck. Still facing same issue.
Were you able to proceed past this error?

Yes have the nodes in the valid IP ranges as per the official documentation of Weaviate and label the nodes as app=weaviate or any thing similar and add nodeaffinity and then it will work. Thats how it worked for us