Unexpected status code: 502, with response body: None. (Cant continue with project)

I love the product and it seems like the right fit for me team.
I am running into 502 issues

“”" raise ResponseCannotBeDecodedException(location, response)
–>raise UnexpectedStatusCodeException(location, response)

UnexpectedStatusCodeException: batch response! Unexpected status code: 502, with response body: None.“”"

This is what stops the app. I am also getting these errors as the upload continues

{‘error’: [{‘message’: ‘update vector: unmarshal response body: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field openAIApiError.error.code of type string’}]}.

Here is my code to load my vector store (its quite a big schema):

food_class_schema = {
    "class": "FoodNYC",
    "description": "A collection of food from UberEats and Doordash",
    "vectorizer": "text2vec-openai",
    "vectorIndexConfig" : {
        "distance" : "cosine",
    "moduleConfig": {
        "text2vec-openai": {
            "vectorizeClassName": False,
            "model": "ada",
            "modelVersion": "002",
            "type": "text"
food_class_schema["properties"] = [
        "name": "infatuation_RestaurantName",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "The name of the restaurant from Infatuation",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "infatuation_ReviewCount",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Number of reviews from Infatuation",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "RestaurantReviewCount",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Number of reviews on Platform",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Sour_Level",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Sour_Level",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Umami_Level",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Umami_Level",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Spice_Level",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Spice_Level",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Sweetness_Level",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Sweetness_Level",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Bitterness_Level",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Bitterness_Level",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "MonDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "DoorDash availability on Monday",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "TueDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "DoorDash availability on Tuesday",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "WedDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "DoorDash availability on Wednesday",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "ThuDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "DoorDash availability on Thursday",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "FriDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "DoorDash availability on Friday",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "SatDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "DoorDash availability on Saturday",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "SunDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "DoorDash availability on Sunday",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "AvoidanceDiseaseFoodTags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags for diseases that should avoid the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "StockImageDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Link to the stock image of the dish on DoorDash",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "StockImageUber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Link to the stock image of the dish on Uber",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Restaurant_ID",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Identifier for the restaurant",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Dish_ID",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Identifier for the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "DishRes_ID",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Combined identifier for dish and restaurant",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Calorie_Count_Estimate",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Estimated calorie count for the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False

        "name": "HealthAlternatives",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Healthier dish alternatives",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False

        "name": "Mass_Fat",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of fat by mass in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Mass_Carbs",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of carbohydrates by mass in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Mass_Protein",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of protein by mass in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Cholesterol",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of cholesterol in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Calcium",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of calcium content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Iron",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of iron content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Potassium",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of potassium content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Zinc",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of zinc content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Magnesium",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of magnesium content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Vitamin_A",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of Vitamin A content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Vitamin_C",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of Vitamin C content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Vitamin_D",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of Vitamin D content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Vitamin_E",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of Vitamin E content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Vitamin_K",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of Vitamin K content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "B_Vitamins",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of B Vitamins content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Antioxidants",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of antioxidants content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Omega_3_Fatty_Acids",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of omega-3 fatty acids content in the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Phytonutrients",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of phytonutrients content in the dish",
         "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "SpecificBaseAlternatives",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Specific alternative bases for the dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "AlternativesWithinSameCuisine",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Other dish alternatives within the same cuisine",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "LinkUber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Link to the Uber platform for the restaurant or dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "LinkDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Link to the DoorDash platform for the restaurant or dish",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "FoodItemLinkUber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Link to the specific food item on the Uber platform",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "FoodItemLinkDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Link to the specific food item on the DoorDash platform",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "ImageUber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Image URL for the dish on the Uber platform",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "StoreImageUber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Flag indicating if the store image is available on Uber",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "ImageDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Image URL for the dish on the DoorDash platform",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "StoreImageDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Flag indicating if the store image is available on DoorDash",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "RestaurantPhone",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Phone number of the restaurant",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "RestaurantAddress",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Address of the restaurant",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "PriceUber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Price of the dish on the Uber platform",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "PriceDoorDash",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Price of the dish on the DoorDash platform",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "OpenCloseHours",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Open and close hours for the restaurant",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "CloseTime_UberEats_uber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Closing time for the restaurant on Uber Eats",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "DaysOpen_UberEats_uber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Days of the week the restaurant is open on Uber Eats",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "OpeningHours_UberEats_uber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Opening hours for the restaurant on Uber Eats",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "RestaurantWebsite",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Website of the restaurant",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Lat",
        "dataType": ["number"],
        "description": "Latitude coordinate for the restaurant's location",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Long",
        "dataType": ["number"],
        "description": "Longitude coordinate for the restaurant's location",
        "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Allergy_Tags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags for allergens present in the dish",
                "moduleConfig": {
            "text2vec-openai": {  
                "skip": True,
                "vectorizePropertyName": False
        "name": "Sodium",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of sodium content in the dish" 
        "name": "Fiber",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of dietary fiber content in the dish" 
        "name": "Sugars",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Amount of sugars content in the dish",
        "name": "DishName",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "The name of the dish", 
        "name": "Neighborhood",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "The neighborhood where the restaurant is located", 
        "name": "PlatformProvidedCuisine",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Type of cuisine provided on the platform for the restaurant"
        "name": "RestaurantRating",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Overall rating for the restaurant"  
        "name": "Cuisine",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Type of cuisine the dish belongs to"  
        "name": "Diet_Tags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags related to dietary preferences or restrictions"      
        "name": "Oil_Tags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags related to type of oil used in the dish"     
        "name": "Texture_Tags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags describing the texture of the dish"     
        "name": "Preparation_Tags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags related to the preparation method of the dish"     
        "name": "Feeling_Tags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags indicating the feeling or experience associated with the dish"
        "name": "Spice_Category",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Level of spiciness in the dish"},
        "name": "Sweetness_Category",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Level of sweetness in the dish"     
        "name": "Bitterness_Category",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Level of bitterness in the dish"        
        "name": "Sour_Category",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Level of sourness in the dish",
        "name": "Savory_Delicious_Category",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Level of umami taste in the dish" },
        "name": "Emoji",
        "dataType": ["string"],
        "description": "Emoji related to the dish"   
        "name": "BaseDish",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "The base dish from which variations can be made"      
        "name": "CleanedDishName",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "The dish name after cleaning process"      
        "name": "Ingredients",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "List of ingredients in the dish"       
        "name": "DietTags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags related to the diet options the dish adheres to"
        "name": "SuitableDiseaseFoodTags",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Tags for diseases that the dish is suitable for"     
        "name": "DishType",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Type of dish"       
        "name": "DishDescription",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Description on Website of Dish"       
        "name": "infatuation_ReviewDictVec",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Dictionary containing reviews from InfatuationNYC"
        "name": "eater_ReviewDictVev",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "Dictionary containing reviews from EaterNYC"
        "name": "RestaurantName",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "RestaurantName of Food Item"
        "name": "FoodHistory",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "History and cultural significance of the dish"
        "name": "RatingCategory",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "The Average Rating on Platform"
        "name": "ReviewCountCategory",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "The Review Count Category on Platform"
        "name": "PriceDescription",
        "dataType": ["text"],
        "description": "The Review Count Category on Platform"

# Configure batch process - for faster imports 
  dynamic=True,   # dynamically update the `batch_size` based on import speed
for i in tqdm(range(len(big))):
    item = big.iloc[i]

    food_object = {
        'infatuation_RestaurantName': str(item['infatuation_RestaurantName']),
        'infatuation_ReviewCount': str(item['infatuation_ReviewCount']),
        'MonDoorDash': str(item['MonDoorDash']),
        'TueDoorDash': str(item['TueDoorDash']),
        'WedDoorDash': str(item['WedDoorDash']),
        'ThuDoorDash': str(item['ThuDoorDash']),
        'FriDoorDash': str(item['FriDoorDash']),
        'SatDoorDash': str(item['SatDoorDash']),
        'SunDoorDash': str(item['SunDoorDash']),
        'AvoidanceDiseaseFoodTags': str(item['AvoidanceDiseaseFoodTags']),
        'StockImageDoorDash': str(item['StockImageDoorDash']),
        'StockImageUber': str(item['StockImageUber']),
        'Restaurant_ID': str(item['Restaurant_ID']),
        'Dish_ID': str(item['Dish_ID']),
        'DishRes_ID': str(item['DishRes_ID']),
        'Calorie_Count_Estimate': str(item['Calorie_Count_Estimate']),
        'HealthAlternatives': str(item['HealthAlternatives']),
        'Mass_Fat': str(item['Mass_Fat']),
        'Mass_Carbs': str(item['Mass_Carbs']),
        'Mass_Protein': str(item['Mass_Protein']),
        'Sodium': str(item['Sodium']),
        'Fiber': str(item['Fiber']),
        'Sugars': str(item['Sugars']),
        'Cholesterol': str(item['Cholesterol']),
        'Calcium': str(item['Calcium']),
        'Iron': str(item['Iron']),
        'Potassium': str(item['Potassium']),
        'Zinc': str(item['Zinc']),
        'Magnesium': str(item['Magnesium']),
        'Vitamin_A': str(item['Vitamin_A']),
        'Vitamin_C': str(item['Vitamin_C']),
        'Vitamin_D': str(item['Vitamin_D']),
        'Vitamin_E': str(item['Vitamin_E']),
        'Vitamin_K': str(item['Vitamin_K']),
        'B_Vitamins': str(item['B_Vitamins']),
        'Antioxidants': str(item['Antioxidants']),
        'Omega_3_Fatty_Acids': str(item['Omega_3_Fatty_Acids']),
        'Phytonutrients': str(item['Phytonutrients']),
        'SpecificBaseAlternatives': str(item['SpecificBaseAlternatives']),
        'AlternativesWithinSameCuisine': str(item['AlternativesWithinSameCuisine']),
        'LinkUber': str(item['LinkUber']),
        'LinkDoorDash': str(item['LinkDoorDash']),
        'FoodItemLinkUber': str(item['FoodItemLinkUber']),
        'FoodItemLinkDoorDash': str(item['FoodItemLinkDoorDash']),
        'ImageUber': str(item['ImageUber']),
        'StoreImageUber': str(item['StoreImageUber']),
        'ImageDoorDash': str(item['ImageDoorDash']),
        'StoreImageDoorDash': str(item['StoreImageDoorDash']),
        'RestaurantPhone': str(item['RestaurantPhone']),
        'RestaurantAddress': str(item['RestaurantAddress']),
        'PriceUber': str(item['PriceUber']),
        'PriceDoorDash': str(item['PriceDoorDash']),
        'OpenCloseHours': str(item['OpenCloseHours']),
        'CloseTime_UberEats_uber': str(item['CloseTime_UberEats_uber']),
        'DaysOpen_UberEats_uber': str(item['DaysOpen_UberEats_uber']),
        'OpeningHours_UberEats_uber': str(item['OpeningHours_UberEats_uber']),
        'RestaurantWebsite': str(item['RestaurantWebsite']),
        'Lat': float(item['Lat']),
        'Long': float(item['Long']),
        'RestaurantReviewCount': str(item['RestaurantReviewCount']),
        'DishName': str(item['DishName']),
        'Neighborhood': str(item['Neighborhood']),
        'PlatformProvidedCuisine': str(item['PlatformProvidedCuisine']),
        'RestaurantRating': str(item['RestaurantRating']),
        'Cuisine': str(item['Cuisine']),
        'Allergy_Tags': str(item['Allergy_Tags']),
        'Oil_Tags': str(item['Oil_Tags']),
        'Texture_Tags': str(item['Texture_Tags']),
        'Preparation_Tags': str(item['Preparation_Tags']),
        'Feeling_Tags': str(item['Feeling_Tags']),
        'Spice_Level': str(item['Spice_Level']),
        'Sweetness_Level': str(item['Sweetness_Level']),
        'Bitterness_Level': str(item['Bitterness_Level']),
        'Sour_Level': str(item['Sour_Level']),
        'Umami_Level': str(item['Umami_Level']),
        'Spice_Category': str(item['Spice_Category']),
        'Sweetness_Category': str(item['Sweetness_Category']),
        'Bitterness_Category': str(item['Bitterness_Category']),
        'Sour_Category': str(item['Sour_Category']),
        'Savory_Delicious_Category': str(item['Savory_Delicious_Category']),
        'Emoji': str(item['Emoji']),
        'BaseDish': str(item['BaseDish']),
        'CleanedDishName': str(item['CleanedDishName']),
        'Ingredients': str(item['Ingredients']),
        'DietTags': str(item['DietTags']),
        'Diet_Tags': str(item['Diet_Tags']),
        'SuitableDiseaseFoodTags': str(item['SuitableDiseaseFoodTags']),
        'DishType': str(item['DishType']),
        'DishDescription': str(item['DishDescription']),
        'infatuation_ReviewDict': str(item['infatuation_ReviewDict']),
        'eater_ReviewDict': str(item['eater_ReviewDict']),
        'AvoidanceDiseaseFoodVec': str(item['AvoidanceDiseaseFoodVec']),
        'EatDiseaseFoodVec': str(item['EatDiseaseFoodVec']),
        'AvoidanceDiseaseFoodVec': str(item['infatuation_ReviewDictVec']),
        'EatDiseaseFoodVec': str(item['eater_ReviewDictVec']),
        'RestaurantName': str(item['RestaurantName']),
        'FoodHistory': str(item['FoodHistory']),
        'RestaurantRating': str(item['RestaurantRating']),
        'RestaurantReviewCount': str(item['RestaurantReviewCount']),
        'ReviewCountCategory': str(item['ReviewCountCategory']),
        'RatingCategory': str(item['RatingCategory']),
        'PriceDescription': str(item['PriceDescription']),
        'PriceCategories': str(item['PriceCategories']),}

        client.batch.add_data_object(food_object, "FoodNYC")  # Use your specific class name
    except BaseException as error:
        print("Import Failed at: ", i)
        print("An exception occurred: {}".format(error))


Hi @samthedataman !

We have seen this issue in our slack. There is already a fix for it as of today:

It should be released soon!

Thanks for pointing it out!

1 Like

Hey there Duda!

Thanks for your fast reply.

So will this fix help with both my issues? As I’m unable to upload my full dataset to my Vector Store due to the response body None issue . In other words are these issues related?

I am not sure they are related.

We have seen some OpenAI issues recently, and this may be causing this secondary issue.

Unfortunately I could not replicate this second issue :frowning:

Well can you suggest strategies to help me get my entire vector store in your database? Im confused have you ever tried putting in a large amount of data into an embeddings model?

Please enlighten me on how you think I can debug this as the error message continues to persists…and its after a random amount of rows DO get vectorized so theres nothing wrong with the class schema

Import Failed at:  9517
An exception occurred: batch response! Unexpected status code: 502, with response body: None.

UnexpectedStatusCodeException             Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/samsavage/PythonProjects/CrispyChicken/src/normalization/MasterTableRunScript.ipynb Cell 49 line 1
    115         print("Processed 100000 records, pausing for 60 seconds...")
    116         time.sleep(60)
--> 118 print(client.query.aggregate("CrisyNYC7").with_meta_count().do())
    119 client.batch.flush()

Hi Sam,

Thanks for reaching out on Slack - just responding here to keep track of our discussions.

Some questions to help us understand the problem.

  1. Does it always fail at a specific data point? Have you tried running the same script with fewer objects?
  2. Why are you running aggregate here during insertion? Have you tried running it without the aggregate query?

This is with the cluster updated to 1.22.5, is that correct?


there is no specific data point failure it will fail randomly but always before 150k . I can remove the aggregation but ive already tried running it without it and it failts.

what do you mean by cluster updated to 1.22.5.

Do you mean my python package?

Hi Sam, I mean the Weaviate server version.

Are you using Weaviate through WCS?

I’m facing the same issue when I tried to insert in vector database for large amount of data.

Hi Somesh!
What version of Weaviate are you running? Is it in WCS or self hosted?

I’m running on WCS 1.22.4

An exception occurred: batch response! Unexpected status code: 502, with response body: None.

I continue to have this error…what is the solution it seems almost that Weavite becomes unusable when i face this error