Weaviate didn't start up

Hi Team,
I’ve created a free tier cluster in WCS. Upon trying to connect from my python code, I’m facing the below chalenge.

weaviate.exceptions.WeaviateStartUpError: Weaviate did not start up in 10 seconds. Either the Weaviate URL https://wcsurl is wrong or Weaviate did not start up in the interval given in ‘startup_period’.

Could I get some help on this ?

Hi @Dhinesh_Prabakaran!

Can you share the code you are using to connect??

This is usually some connectivy issue, or wrong url.

Please, feel free to ping me in our Slack so I can take a close look.


Hi Duda,
Please find the code below,
import weaviate
import os

Set these environment variables

URL = os.getenv(“YOUR_WCS_URL”)
APIKEY = os.getenv(“YOUR_WCS_API_KEY”)

Connect to a WCS instance

client = weaviate.connect_to_wcs(

Hi @Dhinesh_Prabakaran,

Do you have the following env variables configured in your environment?

  • YOUR_WCS_URL – you can get it from the WCS console, click on Details (1), and copy Cluster URL (2)
  • YOUR_WCS_API_KEY – click on API Keys (3), and copy your key (note, free sandboxes have only one key)

Note, if you run your code locally (and don’t publish it to GitHub or somewhere else), you can just enter your Cluster URL and API Key straight in the code (not recommended for production). Like this:

import weaviate
# Set these connection variables
URL = "https://YOUR_WCS_URL"
# Connect to a WCS instance
client = weaviate.connect_to_wcs(