Weaviate didn't startup

I am using python 3.11 and weaviate client 3.25 version.
On trying to connect with weaviate I get this below error.
\weaviate\connect\connection.py", line 657, in wait_for_weaviate

raise WeaviateStartUpError(

weaviate.exceptions.WeaviateStartUpError: Weaviate did not start up in 5 seconds. Either the Weaviate URL (url) is wrong or Weaviate did not start up in the interval given in 'startup_period

Hello @shaheen,

Welcome to our community! It’s great to have you here :blush:

Can you share the code you’re using to connect? This issue is usually related to connectivity or an incorrect URL.

weaviate_client = weaviate.Client(
“X-Azure-Api-Key”: settings.openai_api_key_us_east,
“X-OpenAI-BaseURL”: settings.azure_openai_endpoint,
timeout_config=(300, 300),

Thank you so much for details.

Could you please try with the following and let me know:

client = weaviate.Client(
“X-Azure-Api-Key”: “”}

Here is another example in our docs:

I recommend you to upgrade and use Weaviate Client v4 to benefits from the new features and gRPC

Hey, It still gives same error.

hi @shaheen !!

Where you able to solve this?

Let us know if you need further assistance.
