Fuzzy search

how to use fuzzy search in weaviate. Currently is there any method which used fuzzy logic. I want to get similar results from vector db for particular question text, if data or text stored in db is somehow different from one I am actually passing then i am getting different result. I have strored data as a paragraphs in vector db any i am passing some information in the question related to that paragraph, so i think to get with this fuzzy search is helpful?

also i want to conform that weaviate returns results in decreasing order of certainity, is it correct?

hi @Abhishek_Joshi !

Sorry for the delay here, missed this one :frowning:

AFAIK, we doesn’t have fuzzy search.

With the hybrid search, you will be able to get similar results (based on vector search) as well as keyword search. It will perform those two searches and fuse it’s results.

And yes, by default, it will return objects based on similarity (score, in hybrid and bm25) and distance (for vector search)

let me know if this helps.
