Is weaviate good for my use-case? Comparing with mongo


I am working on a recommendation system using LLM embeddings and I’m looking for the right database for my use-case.

I have put together a set of requirements with what I investigated on how I can fulfill them using this database, and thought of coming here to check if someone with more experience with it can help me to know if this makes sense, if I’m overlooking something, etc.

I don’t see having to support more than 500 records and maybe 100 requests per day in the mid-term, so I don’t need something with great optimizations or scaling options, but of course the cheaper the better.

So far, these are my requirements and what I have found in the docs:

  • I must be able to store n>=1 vector embeddings per ID OR I must be able to store 1 very large vector embedding per ID: YES

  • I must be able to store and retrieve metadata: YES

  • I must be able to do pre-filtering based on metadata: YES

  • I must be able to do database migrations (i.e. add/remove columns to each table): I found that I can add properties but I can’t delete them. Some open questions to investigate would be: would this be a problem if I want to iterate with different features before committing to one schema? would this commitment hurt my development speed in the future?

  • (Highly desirable) I want a good ts (or js) client: NO. Unfortunately, Weaviate focuses its development on the python library and the js/ts has lagged in some features.

  • (Desirable) I want to do pagination after pre-filtered queries OR (Required) I must be able to retrieve every result: YES. Weaviate offers pagination with limit and offset, but as I don’t expect to have that many records I am thinking of just storing the rank of every result in a separate collection (maybe in a different DB? This is a drawback) and querying that directly.

As a plus and to be fair, Weaviate already has several search algorithms implemented that would make my life easier, although I don’t want to be constrained to that and I find Weviate’s pricing very competitive in comparison to mongodb, even though I agree with all the benefits of using Mongo listed in their website, specially having all the capabilities of a full DB in the same place where my vector embeddings are managed.

hi @peguerosdc !! Welcome to our community :hugs:

Of course my opinion will be biased :see_no_evil: towards Weaviate and I will be here cheering and ready to help you succeed with us :wink:

Some notes:

We are also committed to have a great JS/TS client.

It happens that within our community, Python is more popular language.

Right now, our new JS/TS client (v3) is in the oven, and should go for GA in the next couple weeks: GitHub - weaviate/typescript-client: Official Weaviate TypeScript Client

On that, we would love to hear what you think about it, and how we can improve this new client.

You can already see it’s new syntax in our documentation (JS/TS Beta). Also, if you want to help on it’s development, we have a #javascript channel in our public slack where you can have direct access to our dev team :wink:

Indeed, you cannot remove a property as of now. If you do want to change your schema down the road, you can migrate your data over to a new collection or cluster with the schema you want. This will be fairly easy and quick, considering you expect to not have millions of records.

We even have a guide for that

Anyway, let me know if you have any other questions, and I’ll be more than happy to help!

Ps: considering you plan on doing recommendation, have you seen this repo? It may help you: GitHub - weaviate/ref2vec-ecommerce-demo: Demo on using Weaviate's ref2vec vectorizer for building Recommendation Systems!

Thanks and again, welcome to our community :slight_smile:

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