Please give some advice about weaviate & elasticsearch comparison

Nowadays I check the weaviate function list and basic behavior to convert our system form elasticsearch to weaviate. I releaze that there are no critical differences between them but I can’t found some functions that our company use in elasticsearch. Can I have some advise about matching functions in weaviate or workaroud? The functions I couldn’t’ find weaviate are below.

  1. not store the filed data
  • we don’t store the text filed and vector data to minimize storage overhead and to meet some kind of security requirements.
  • we just index them and search them using elasticsearch’s _source exclude option (_source field | Elasticsearch Guide [8.12] | Elastic)
  • Can i do the same way in weaviate?
  1. index(collection) management

Hi @SeungMin_Baek !

I have little to none experience with ElasticSearch myself and have asked internally as we do have some engineers that knows ElasticSearch in and out.

I will keep you posted when I hear back.


Hi @SeungMin_Baek !

Unfortunately we do not support that for now.

However, you question sparked some interesting internal discussions :wink:

So thanks for that!