Gaps in the documentation, can I contribute please?

In particular I’ve noticed gaps in the Go client documentation: typically examples missing from general documentation (like enabling SQ).

Can I open PRs to remedy this? I will try to keep the examples like-for-like with the other language examples.

The intention is for me to struggle through it (I take notes), and to share what I’ve learned. It will need a critical eye, because I’m still learning. It’s a great way for me to get feedback while learning too.

Is this it? GitHub - weaviate/docs: Weaviate documentation (migration project for Docusaurus v3); it say “migration” project.


hi @xbc5 !!

You are more than welcome to contribute!

Right now, our website (and docs) code lives here:

So that’s probably the best place for now to send in issues or PRs.

This repo you linked will be the new docs that we are cooking.

As you can see in our go client repo, we have some active development going on, so I believe that improvements to it’s docs should follow that.

We have some recipes repo for python and typescript, and I am sure that one on go will eventually come :wink:

Thank you for your interest in Weaviate and in wanting to share!